We teamed up with our friends over at Spire Health to create a series of testimonials about their remote patient monitoring technology.
Spire’s Remote Patient Monitoring service pairs revolutionary respiratory sensing technology with licensed medical staff to identify changes in patient health and intervene earlier.
We spent the day at Lung Health Services in Pennsylvania, capturing footage and interviewing Dr. Nina Maouelainin and her patient Edward, who use Spire’s remote patient monitoring technology.
We created a general testimonial video about the product, doctor and patient-specific testimonials for those specific audiences, and a product demo video. We finished off the product demo with a voice-over and on-screen graphics. New patients will play the demo video to help them with the initial remote monitoring setup.
It was great helping Spire promote their remote technology, which helps so many people through early intervention. We maximized the shoot day and created multiple pieces of content for Spire to use to market their technology.